Monday, August 22, 2005

Andrew Martin

Since i came here and i met a lot of ppl, i made friends with most of them, and i definetly learnt at least one thing from all of them. But no one had an impact on me as much as Andrew Martin did !!!
This white, blue-eyed, Texan guy, with a nice smile (as obvious in the pic) and an incredible eagrness to drink, and drink, and drink, and drink........(Long Live Recessions DC !!!)
Well officially this guy is the LCP of @ in DC, which basically means he's the leader of the @ team in Washington, so when i first met him, i only thought it will be a normal nice relation between one of the trinaees and the President of the LC who's most probably alwyas busy with lots of stuff, but for our surprise things went in quite an unusual and unique path !!
I can't remember how we first started having long conversations but i guess it started as a political conversation and then it turned out to cover vairous issues of the world. Then we both found out that we are MUNers who share the same passion for going to conferences and learning about international affairs (of course he studies int'l affairs as 99.999% of the GW students) and then our relation started to develop, but one thing i'll never forget for this man was that he truly welcomed me to his circle of friends, and he was always welcoming to take me to hang out with his friends who are outside the @ circle and this was really something that i enjoyed so much and becoz of that our relation became more of a personal friendship than a good president-to-trainee relationship and this relationship added to my experience a lot and as i said.
We talked about everything, politics, middle east, relationship, love, sex, previous experiences, and we talked a lot about @ and about our personal dreams, and these 2 topics were always froming the best conversations we had (beisde politics of course hahahahaha)
Well i can keep talking a lot about him, as i really admire and like the guy (ok i'm not gay if ur wondering!!) but i'd rather post a question for the @ ppl in DC "Tell me what do u like , and hate most about him ?" (waiting for ur comments ppl)
He travelled to Inida to a big @ int'l conf there and i don't think i'll meet him again before i leave and this really bothered me, but i'm sure we're gonna meet in the future(next summer in Cairo man :)
I'll add some stuff more to this topic but not now
Andrew, i miss u man, i hope ur enjoying India

Saturday, August 20, 2005

SSC 2005 - New Horizons

Since i came here and there's a lot of issues started to take more space of my mind, most of them were about my country and the big difference i c between here (USA) and there (Egypt), i have a lot of pbservations on the way ppl think, behave and respond to national issues and i noticed how active and effecitve the civil society is here and how the whole system is so opened yet regulated, and here i'm talking about everything, political, social, civil..........i started comparing and trying to figure out what exactly is diff and if i want to c my country progressing, then what really are the challenges and obstacles we're facing, of course a typical response would be lack of democracy and bad economic situation.............that's such a broad and shallow prespective in my opinion for now can i c that it takes much more than that to have an advanced country and even those 2 terms are too broad and entail the work of generations and generations to implement viable and lasting solutions to them !!

Anyways.........again i get distracted and talked abuot my country, i can't help it my mind became really occupied with Its problems and challenges, but this is not the place to open such talk (later)
So my mind was busy with all these issues and then i went to the AIESEC (@) conf in Denver, CO.............i really didn't have much expectations except the ones that Andrew told me about (lots of fun, lots of talk, and lots of girls) :)) mmmm......ok so lets go and c, after all i'm a Salaam trainee and this is the biggest event in @ USA that i'm gonna attend while i'm here.
So i went there and we started having the first session, of course everyone felt a stranger to the others (except ppl form the same place) but of course not so long and it started getting cozy and of course egyptians were loud and talkative (man, i love the way we are lol), though i want to make a remark here that at many point i didn't like the way we handeled the debates and discussions, i hoped that the course of the talk would be more mature, and constructive coz i was sure it would have added more to all of us, anyways i started listening to various ppl from various countries that maybe i can hear about their rulers in our news a lot but i never interacted with one of its ppl b4, and this was the start of opening new horizons for me...................the impact that ppl like Aqeel, Hind, Walid, and Anis had on me was enourmous, each time they were speaking i was very attentive and opened to what they'd say, becoz i've learnt that "A wise mind is the one that can accomodate all what's being introduced, but not Necessarily agree with them" and these guyz really had so many diveresed ideas, abuot religion, women status in their countries, the arab israeli conflict, the american society, their own contries with all its beauties, and culutre...........i heard things about countries like Morroc and Tunisia i've never learnt before and i've discovered that a lot of us, share the same dream of seeing our countries advance each in his/her own way and each one of us has enough potential to move mountains just to c his/her country in more peace, and prosperity that they are now!!
Such ana amazing amount of thoughts, differences pouring out from the room wehre we held our meetings, and mostly all of them kept enlarging my scope and stretching my mentality more and more and challenge me and my ideas and my values, comparing everytihng and analzying mostly everything and contributing to the discussions with my opinoins and hearing the ppl's reaction to them, everything opened so many new horizons to my mind, i went back to Dc and while i was on the plane i found that i'm thinking about things even more deeper, and challenging that i was when i was on my way to the conf !!!
Wonderufl experience @ has given me, and this was one of the main reasons that i decided that i'm gonna get involved with this Org and put real effort in its activities !!
Well enough seirous talk for now, lets talk about the fun side of SSC, but i guessni have to leave now so this will be postponed to a seperate talk where i can talk about the beauty contest (or whatever its name was), the Sober patrol (was he sober ??!!!), the cool shisha (huka) community and the dances that comes from every part of the world !!!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Loaded Mind

She asked me, why don't u write anymore on ur blog !!!..........This was very unexpected for me, did she really used to read my posts !! i wasn't aware of this fact, i completely forgot that i told her about it !!! it seems this "bad-memory" will screw me sooner or later :)

Anyways i had so many things to talk about, so many events that took place and so many ppl that entered my life lately and left a huge impact on my mentality and perceptions.........
i'm trying now to orgnaize my thoughts into specific topics and posts that i wanna publish while having a good conversatoin with my roommate about our elections in Egypt (ahh btw i'm a lunatic about politics and int'l affairs) however (ohh my mind is so distracted now)
so the coming posts will be :
1- SSC 2005
2- Andrew the man :)
3- PoliticsPoliticsPoliticsPoliticsPoliticsPolitics !!!
4- To Belong (2)

mmm.......enough so far, i really dunno when will i be able to write about all these but i'm sure pretty soon........